

“ …‘lo angel.”

“Crowley, you’re back!”


“Are you all right?“ Aziraphale fumbled
with the phone, clutching it closer to his ear. “You sound terrible.”

“Heh. Can’t sssay the ssssame, angel. Ugh…wait.”

you hurt? What happened?”

“Nuh. Juss’ got back. Bloody awful time.
Helluva time. Heh. Ssss’ joke.” There was a breathy sigh down the line. “Don’t like
it down there angel. Don’t like it. Usssed all m’ magic. Jussst wanted to get
out. Wassn’t paying attention an’ came up here. Not there. Not—London. Obviousssly.
Would like to be.”

“Crowley, dear, where are you?” said
Aziraphale carefully.

“Dunno.” There was a sniff. “‘Sss all cold
‘n ssscraggy. Ssscotland maybe.”

“Ok. Ok, I can—I can follow your mobile phone
signal, can’t I?”

There was a hissing laugh on the other end.
“Ah angel. You can follow my mobile phone sssignal anytime. Heh. I misssssed you, angel.”

“Answer the question, dear.” Aziraphale grabbed
his coat, phone pressed between his shoulder and jaw, thrusting an arm through.
He struggled for a moment, before he slid his arm out and and put it through
the other side, muttering a curse under his breath.

“Yeah. You’ve gotta turn on the, the…ugh. No.
No. You know, just. Talk to it.  Tell it
to… find my location. Be convincccing. Like you’re chasssing sssssomeone away
from the ssshop. Y’know. Firm.”

“Right, will do.” He pulled the door open,
locking the shop firmly behind him with a glare and started briskly down the

“Hey, there’sss a…yeah. A town. Jussst over
there. I can sssee a—“ there was a yelp and a loud crackling sound from the
other end. Aziraphale stopped dead in his tracks, causing an important looking businessman
to nearly crash into him.

“Crowley?! What happened? Are you all right?” He completely
missed the dirty looks he was getting for blocking the foot traffic.

“Ngk. Bloody ditch. Came outta nowhere.”

The angel let out a sigh of relief, half
jogging down the pavement. “All right. You find that town and then you stay put,
all right? I’ll be there soon. Don’t try anything. I’m coming to get you.”

“Misssssed you.”

Aziraphale smiled. “I missed you too, dear.”

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