






Thank you for making an office of two adjuncts laugh today.


When there’s 2 Taiwan Joneses, who both go to Howard, and neither of them know who failed yet




It is fat and queer and body positive and beautiful and everybody NEEDS TO WATCH! I didn’t think I’d like it based on the description and concept but my mum put it in and I cried happy happy tears at the end! There are fat girls (plural!!!) being confident and insecure and and learning and growing! There is a (or more than one?) queer kiddo making friends and finding a community! There are drag queens!!! Being queer and fabulous and wonderful aunts and uncles to their semi-adopted weird kids. And a really sweet mum and daughter learning to understand and accept each other. And a DOLLY PARTON SOUND TRACK OH MY GOD ITS GOOD!


Protect platonic male/female friendships at all costs.

Write them. Read about them. Demand them. Decide the Harry and Sally law of “all male/female friendships will become romantic” is a bunch of bull and kick it to the curb.

Screw the guy getting with his girl best friend being the end of every romantic comedy. Have the guy go to his friend for advice. Have the girl tell him when he screws up. Have them sitting on the porch when the sun sets, talking about their day. Have them hug and laugh, and shout for joy, and never feel pressured to bring them in for that expected kiss.

Not all soulmates are romantic. We should stop acting like it.



here’s a hard pill to swallow: abuse does not just exclusively occur in romantic or family relationships. friends can be just as toxic to your physical and mental wellbeing as a partner or a family member. also, the aftermath of being in an abusive friendship can be just as traumatizing as any other abusive relationship. don’t boo me i’m right 

for some reason people don’t know this but toxic friends can mirror all the same behaviors as seen in an abusive romantic partner. i will use my own story of my ex-high school best friend who abused me for several years. signs of abuse include but are not limited to:

  1. Humiliating or embarrassing you – my ex-best friend LOVED to try and make me squirm in any way possible to see my reaction. once she went up to a guy and told him i had a crush on him to watch me struggle to explain myself
  2. Unreasonable jealousy – if i so much as went to hang out with any of my other friends i would have to let my ex-best friend know beforehand. i pretty much had to get her permission to see other people or she would be convinced that i was ‘ditching her forever’
  3. Refusing to communicate – if she was ever angry with me or upset she would never tell me that so we could talk about it. instead, she would ignore me or respond to all my texts with ‘k’ or ‘ya’ and i would have to struggle for hours to get her to tell me what was wrong
  4. Ignoring or excluding you – she would ignore me for weeks at a time as a ‘punishment’ knowing that it would eat me up inside wondering what i did wrong. i still remember spending nights wide awake crying in bed because i didn’t know what to do 
  5. Mean jokes or constantly making fun of you – she would constantly poke fun at my appearance and personality to where my self-confidence plummeted. god help me if i ever said anything about her though
  6. Saying things like “If you don’t _____, I will_____.” – she would constantly threaten to kill herself if i didn’t do what she wanted
  7. Guilt trips – she never apologized once to me in our seven-plus years of being friends. not once. every time we argued i would be the one who apologized in the end. once when i stood up to her and called her out on treating me like crap she would make up a story of how her life was miserable and that i was making things worse 
  8. Isolating you from friends and family – been mentioned before but she was extremely jealous of all my other relationships and would override my plans with other people on purpose and would guilt trip me if i still went to see them
  9.  Domination and control – also mentioned before but i needed her permission on everything. if i joined any group or extracurricular activity without her knowing she would be furious   
  10. Extreme moodiness – after ignoring me for weeks she would contact me out of the blue and act as if nothing happened. she would also refuse to talk about why she ignored me for so long and did not care if my mental health suffered from it

anyway, abusive friendships need to be acknowledged more because they are not only extremely common but also very damaging to someone’s mental health. i personally had to go through years of therapy to unlearn the guilt and self-hatred that my ex-friend helped instill in me. stay safe yall

‘Newfoundlanders are God’s gift,’ says Jamaican-born trainer after outpouring of support


Machel Rayner is a fitness guy. He thrives on helping people get healthy and well.

But after he told CBC News on Thursday about his immigration troubles, he has garnered national attention and job offers have poured in from different sectors.

“The RNC [Royal Newfoundland Constabulary] called me and offered me their recruitment process, because they want someone like me,” Rayner said Friday.

Similar offers have been made by small businesses in St. John’s. Even the sheriff’s office in Gander reached out, Rayner said.

Memorial University’s school of human kinetics and recreation has created a fundraising campaign to help the former student with financial challenges.

“It has been wonderful, wonderful feedback and support from all walks of life.… I know a lot of people where I worked, they support me. But at this magnitude, it was the best feeling ever.”

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‘Newfoundlanders are God’s gift,’ says Jamaican-born trainer after outpouring of support