

“ …‘lo angel.”

“Crowley, you’re back!”


“Are you all right?“ Aziraphale fumbled
with the phone, clutching it closer to his ear. “You sound terrible.”

“Heh. Can’t sssay the ssssame, angel. Ugh…wait.”

you hurt? What happened?”

“Nuh. Juss’ got back. Bloody awful time.
Helluva time. Heh. Ssss’ joke.” There was a breathy sigh down the line. “Don’t like
it down there angel. Don’t like it. Usssed all m’ magic. Jussst wanted to get
out. Wassn’t paying attention an’ came up here. Not there. Not—London. Obviousssly.
Would like to be.”

“Crowley, dear, where are you?” said
Aziraphale carefully.

“Dunno.” There was a sniff. “‘Sss all cold
‘n ssscraggy. Ssscotland maybe.”

“Ok. Ok, I can—I can follow your mobile phone
signal, can’t I?”

There was a hissing laugh on the other end.
“Ah angel. You can follow my mobile phone sssignal anytime. Heh. I misssssed you, angel.”

“Answer the question, dear.” Aziraphale grabbed
his coat, phone pressed between his shoulder and jaw, thrusting an arm through.
He struggled for a moment, before he slid his arm out and and put it through
the other side, muttering a curse under his breath.

“Yeah. You’ve gotta turn on the, the…ugh. No.
No. You know, just. Talk to it.  Tell it
to… find my location. Be convincccing. Like you’re chasssing sssssomeone away
from the ssshop. Y’know. Firm.”

“Right, will do.” He pulled the door open,
locking the shop firmly behind him with a glare and started briskly down the

“Hey, there’sss a…yeah. A town. Jussst over
there. I can sssee a—“ there was a yelp and a loud crackling sound from the
other end. Aziraphale stopped dead in his tracks, causing an important looking businessman
to nearly crash into him.

“Crowley?! What happened? Are you all right?” He completely
missed the dirty looks he was getting for blocking the foot traffic.

“Ngk. Bloody ditch. Came outta nowhere.”

The angel let out a sigh of relief, half
jogging down the pavement. “All right. You find that town and then you stay put,
all right? I’ll be there soon. Don’t try anything. I’m coming to get you.”

“Misssssed you.”

Aziraphale smiled. “I missed you too, dear.”

Keep reading


One day in early spring [Holmes] had so far relaxed as to go for a walk with me in the Park, where the first faint shoots of green were breaking out upon the elms, and the sticky spear-heads of the chestnuts were just beginning to burst into their five-fold leaves. For two hours we rambled about together, in silence for the most part, as befits two men who know each other intimately.


me, reading aloud a post i just saw on a Queen fanblog: okay but Aziraphale and Crowley are ‘car friend/gay who can’t drive’ solidarity

my roommate, Amias: bold of you to say Crowley can drive

me: him having a car is literally critical to the plot of the book

Amias: doesn’t mean he can drive.

me: are you saying Crowley’s belief that he can drive is the only reason he can?

Amias: yes that’s exactly what i’m saying.

me: if he suddenly was deprived of occult powers and got into a car he’d be like “what the fuck is this”? that’s what you’re saying?

Amias: yes!! look, he goes 110 miles an hour in the middle of London and things rearrange themselves around him, he couldn’t pass a traffic test if his life depended on it. crowley can’t actually drive he’s just doing magic constantly

me: …somehow you’ve convinced me


Consider – When the Avengers first move into the tower, Tony showed Natasha to a private dance studio a few floors up from her own.

With ceiling to floor mirrors, beautiful mahogany barres with a state of the art system…

Natasha was in heaven.

Going through the stretches felt strange, but like meeting an old friend. She slipped on a new pair of pointe shoes, relishing in the tight fit and slight pain as she tested out the toe boxes.

Hours later, she untied her shoes with a wince, blood starting to pool under her cracked nails, but she was satisfied.

It was the first time in a long time she got to dance because she wanted to, not because she had to.

It took a few months of Natasha quietly using the studio to her heart’s content before she realized it. 

She approached Tony carefully, leaning against the kitchen door while Tony nodded at her from the fridge.

It took her a while, a few months actually, to realize it. The small scratches on the ground from wear and tear, not from her. The mini fridge on the side always re-filled with cold water bottles, the towels neatly pressed and laid out before she arrived.

“You don’t have to leave just because I want to use it you know. It’s your studio, you should get to use it whenever you want to as well.”

Tony shook his head, eyebrow raised. “I have no idea what you’re-”

He sucked in a breath, scrambling to stick out his arms as Natasha had blurred across the room, leaping into the air. He caught her effortlessly, arms automatically lifting her above him as he held her. 

Natasha landed gracefully as he carefully lowered her down, satisfied.

“When did you learn?”

Tony let out a sigh. “When I was five. My mother was appalled that I kept bumping into everything and stepping on her toes during our ballroom lessons so…ballet was her solution.”

Natasha hummed. “So why hide it?”

Tony shrugged, eyes dropping to the ground. “Habit I guess. My mother wasn’t pleased that I enjoyed ballet more than the ballroom or etiquette lessons she forced on me, so she made me quit when I was twelve.”

Natasha’s eyes softened, holding out her hand. ‘No one is stopping you now.”

Tony nodded slowly, slowly placing his hand in hers. ‘I guess not.”

Natasha squeezed his hand. “Then let’s dance.”



consider: silvan elves who don’t speak good common speech

  • tauriel was raised by the king so she’d probably had common tutoring (but she’d rather make legolas take her for piggyback rides and just fell asleep during lessons so thranduil eventually just gave up)
  • i imagine silvan sindarin has like 4567890987654 words for “tree” or “forest” that differ in denoting age/location/type etc. so when they learn common they’re like WHAT so when tauriel is describing trees to kili he literally has no idea of what she’s talking about because she’s being so UNSPECIFIC because she’s used to specialised silvan sindarin tree words
  • neither of them understand the concept “tree shagger”
  • legolas messing up his north/south in lotr because he still hasn’t completely learned directions yet
  • tauriel talking to kili in the dungeons just going “yup” “yes” “yup” because she has NO IDEA what’s this dwarf is saying but he looks v. cute so she’ll listen
  • legolas becoming confused between “elk” and “elf” so he keeps referring to his dad as “the elk-king” which everyone finds HILARIOUS so nobody corrects him
  • feren meanwhile bangs his head against the table

  • lost sindarin elflings in erebor wandering around crying because they can’t communicate with anyone. bilbo ends up coming out and and talking to them because he’s the only one there who speaks sindarin
  • maybe tauriel comes to dinner once and kili’s like “do you want meat?” and she says “i agree”. thorin scoffs and is about to say something rude but bilbo kicks him under the table and glares at him
  • legolas means to say something to thorin like “how is the hobbit’s wound” but he says “how is the hobbit wooing” 
  • thorin is SO EMBARRASSED AND SO ANGRY BECAUSE THAT WAS A SECRET and he gets so pissed 


the hobbits with Aragorn: McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!
Aragorn: there’s food at home
hobbits, muttering: I fucking hate this family

the hobbits with Gandalf: McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!
Gandalf: [pulls into drive thru]
hobbits: [cheering]
Gandalf: one black coffee please

the hobbits with Boromir: McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!
Boromir: McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!